
What is Sciatica and how is it caused?

Sciatica is defined as pain or discomfort associated with the sciatic nerve (long electric cable), which runs from the lower back down the back of the legs to the feet. The most common causes of Sciatica are disc prolapses, stenosis or spinal degeneration. Another common cause is a muscle spasm which can squeeze the nerve. Sciatica is more common in males between 20 and 60.

What are the symptoms of Sciatica?

Sciatica pain can vary from mild to very severe and can occur gradually over days or weeks or appear suddenly. Patient’s commonly describe a cramp-like pain that can be burning or sharp in nature. It is typically in the lower back and hip running into the buttock and going down the back of one leg.Pins and Needles, Tingling, numbness and weakness are common symptoms.


Physiotherapy treatment for a Sciatica

Physiotherapy treatment for sciatica starts with a thorough assessment to determine the exact cause. Your therapist will then work to release the Sciatic nerve impingement and work with you to prevent it from returning.

Physiotherapy treatment may include:

  • Positional exercises to relieve nerve root irritation and pain
  • Heat therapy
  • Soft tissue massage
  • Joint mobilisation to relieve pain and stiffness
  • Back exercise programme including strengthening and stretching exercises to restore normal pain-free movement to the area and stabilise the spine.
  • Acupuncture to reduce muscle tension and pain
  • Postural advice

Your physiotherapist at Recover Physio will develop a tailored exercise and rehabilitation plan for you so your pain disappears without returning!

Call Recover Physio

If you think you may have Sciatica and you would like to book an appointment or discuss this please click on either link below or call us on 01424 444005

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