What is Lumbago and how is it caused?
Lumbago is a term describing general mid to lower back pain. Lumbago seems to be caused by a variety of things such as lifting with poor technique or with objects that are too heavy, overuse of the back or as a result of another condition. A common cause of your back ache is weak stomach muscles, which increases the stress on the muscles in the back.
Numerous factors can contribute towards your back pain, like a sprain or spasm in a muscle or ligament, compression of the spine, or bulging or ruptured discs, all of which can put pressure on your back.

What are the symptoms of Lumbago?
Your symptoms may include:
- Pain in the lower back that doesn’t radiate down through the legs
- Stiffness of the back especially in the morning
- Poor posture or an “S” shape in the spine
Secondary symptoms may be:
- Loss of foot control
- Back stiffness in other parts of the back
- Loss of sensation in the calves of soles of the feet
Physiotherapy treatment for Lumbago?
If you think you may have lumbago you will benefit from physiotherapy.
Physiotherapy treatment will help reduce your pain and stiffness, increase your muscle strength and improve your posture to support your back and help you maximise your flexibility in daily activities by reducing your pain.
Physiotherapy treatment at Recover Physio for Lumbago may include:
- Soft tissue massage
- Joint mobilisation and manipulative treatment techniques
- Postural corrective exercises
- Targeted stretching exercises for the back and pelvic region
- Heat therapy
- A structured strength and stability programme for the back and trunk muscles to support the spine
- Advice on how to modify daily activities
- Acupuncture
- Mobilisations with movement

If you think you may have Lumbago and you would like to book an appointment or discuss this please click on either link below or call us on 01424 444005
You can also see which therapist is likely to be best for you by seeing our team profiles and then booking specifically with them.