Facet Joint Pain

Facet joints are at either side of your vertebra where the bones articulate with each other

Facet Joint syndrome is pain arising directly from these facet joints. When a facet joint is working correctly it will move freely to control and limit the movement of the spine. Pain in the facet joints often occurs due to a sudden blow to the body sustained playing sport or as a result of a car-crash which can cause acute pain. Pain can also be caused by sudden excessive movements, degeneration within the joint or impingement on a nerve within the joint.  Extending the back or bending towards the painful side will exacerbate the pain in the facet joint.

Facet Joints

Treatment for Facet Joint Syndrome?

A thorough physical examination of your lower back will confirm the diagnosis and then a specialised treatment plan can be made. Physiotherapy will reduce pain and stiffness through focusing on the underlying cause of your Facet Joint pain.

Physiotherapy treatment at Recover Physio for Facet Joint pain may include:

  • Soft tissue massage
  • Joint mobilisation and manipulative treatment techniques
  • Postural corrective exercises
  • Targeted stretching exercises for the back and pelvic region
  • Heat therapy
  • A structured strength and stability programme for the back and trunk muscles to support the spine
  • Advice on how to modify daily activities
Call Recover Physio

If you think you may have Facet Joint syndrome and you would like to book an appointment or discuss this please click on either link below or call us on 01424 444005

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